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Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) was founded in 1969 to protect the civil and political rights of Chinese Americans and to advance multiracial democracy in the United States. Today, CAA is a progressive voice in and on behalf of the broader Asian and Pacific American community. We advocate for systemic change that protects immigrant rights, promotes language diversity, and remedies racial injustice.

Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) is a fiscal sponsor and member of Asian Americans for Civil Rights and Equality (AACRE), a network comprising 11 social justice groups focused on long-term movement building, capacity infrastructure, and leadership support for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

AACRE network groups include:
AACRE, APEX Express, Asian Prisoner Support Committee, Asian Refugees United, Alliance of South Asians taking Action, Chinese for Affirmative ... Lire la suite

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